Friday, February 26, 2016

Writing 1 Task 4 - 26 February 2016

Dear students,
After you got feedback from your lecturer and your friends, please revise your first draft of Autobiography. Then, you can publish it in your blog.

Now, for the next writing for your Auto Biography, write a 400-word description about people around you, such as family and friends.

E-mail your work to your lecturer's e-mail before Wednesday, 2 March 2016.

For your references, you can open your Writing book Units 4, 5 and 7.

Good luck!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Autobiography Sample

What I Look Like

             For a man, I consider myself as a short guy. My height is only 168 centimeters. And I weigh around 47 kilograms. So, you can imagine how skinny I am. I have a short half-wavy half-straight black hair, but I have dyed it in dark-brown. I used to have a long hair, but I had it cut because my mother always complained about it. She said that I looked like a gangster.

            I have slit eyes because I am Chinese by origin. The color of my eyes is dark-brown. I have a minus on my eyes so I have to wear glasses. But I never wear it again at this moment. The lenses are no longer matching with the minus on my eyes. There is no difference whether I wear them or not. Besides, I have a sharp nose. My parents often consider me as a Jewish because my nose looks like the nose of Jewish people.

The Way I Am

            I am just an ordinary guy who has many bad characters. I think I have a bad temper too. I can be angry easily when I am annoyed by something or someone. Instead of all, the worst character I have is, I am a very lazy person. Even when I am asked to hang out somewhere by my friends, I would rather sleep than go with them. That is why my friends always complain about it. I am also a moody person.
            Just like the Chinese belief called Ying-Yang, even the worst person in this world still has a good side of him or her. I still have some good characters too. I am an easygoing person. I can make friends with everyone. I am open-minded and outgoing. I have a good sense of humor too. My friends always like it when I make some jokes to them. But I hardly ever make jokes on them. I have a principal not to humiliate my own friends because I do not want to be humiliated too.

Writing 1 Task 3 - 19 February 2016


Write a 200-word description of yourself, mentioning the physical and non-physical features.
E-mail your work to your lecturer's e-mail before Wednesday, 23 February 2016.

Good luck!

How to Describe a Person

How to describe a person

Journal Sample

In this class, so far, I have practiced my writing skills continuously with the process and free writing journals. I have found that this practice and thinking of a topic to write my free writing journals about has helped me with my brainstorming problem and my writer's block. I also get great ideas for my novel, mentioned in previous assignments, while I'm writing these journals. The ideas do not always have anything to do with the journal topic at all, but I find that while my creative juices are flowing for the journals that I get the same affect as right before you go to bed when you get all those great ideas but don't want to get out of bed to write them down. Of coarse then, in the morning, you can't remember what you were thinking the night before. I just hate it when that happens. The wonderful thing about thinking of these things while writing the journals instead is that I already have out paper, I already have out pencil, and the thought doesn't get away from me before I write it down. That has truly helped me.

However, I still need to work on expanding my explanations and descriptions. Another thing that I am still struggling with and have been for a very long time is punctuation. The way I tell if something is punctuated correctly is I say it out loud and where there's a breath I put in a comma or apostrophe. I used to think that this was a fool-proof way of doing this, but I have found that things are not always correct written the way they sound when spoken. One reason for this is that when I speak in real life I often use improper conjugations that change the way a sentence is arranged. This throws off my writing a bit. I need to work on knowing from knowledge what goes where so I don't have to worry about whether or not my spoken language is correct. 

I have learned a great deal about the power of description. I have been able to apply this usefully already by going back and adding several powerful scenes in my book. I went back and read it after making these additions and it improved the flow and texture of the novel immensely. I also put to practical use the thinking from the audience's point of view method that we learned. It seems like such a simple tip, but, in the past, I have always written for myself and so never really thought of it. Before we were taught this I never had anyone read my book to make suggestions so I never knew that I was using mixed metaphors that only I and my best friend understood. Now I actually try to become someone else to write. This also gives me a fresh new perspective for even more story ideas. Those are my practical applications for these skills outside of this class. I hope to learn much more that I can apply later on as well. 

Taken from:

Journal 1 Task

I cannot believe we have made it halfway through before the midterm test starts. Now, it is a good idea to reflect on what you have done and learned during Writing 1 class and what you will do next.
Today, you are to write your first journal entries which covers these questions:

  1. In this writing class, what have you learned? 
  2. What do you believe you still need to work on more?  
  3. How/can you use what you have learned in other contexts?
It also should contain your reflections and impressions about the weekly writing classes. Express yourself freely about the progress you get if there is any and why, or if you feel you don't get any progress then write about it along with the reasons and suggestions to overcome the root-causes, if there is any.

Your journal entries should be freely written without worrying about making mistakes in grammar, spelling, and punctuation marks. 

Write your journal in about at least 150 words and publish it.

Good luck!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Writing 1 Task 2 - 12 February 2016

On coming Monday, 15 February 2016 (from 1 to 3 p.m.), please see us to have our feedback. Revise the first assignment accordingly and publish it in your blog to replace the first one. Be sure to include more various adjectives and adverbs, and proper use of preposition in that revision.

Please publish your work before Thursday, 18 February 2016, 09.00 a.m.

Good luck!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Writing 1 Task 1 - 5 February 2016

Write a unique story that you have experienced in at least 100 - 150 words.
Publish your work before Wednesday, 10 February 2016 at 06.00 PM.

Don't forget to put a title on your writing.